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Unleashing the trillions of dollars in corporate pension funds is key to achieving the global goals and to secure long-term profitability, says head of asset management in Storebrand, Jan Erik Saugestad.
Unleashing the trillions of dollars in corporate pension funds is key to achieving the global goals and to secure long-term profitability, says head of asset management in Storebrand, Jan Erik Saugestad.

Nyhet -

SAUGESTAD ​​​Asset Manager urges corporate giants to unleash the hidden potential in sustainable investments and pensions

"Unleashing corporate pension fund trillions is key to achieving the global goals and to secure long-term profitability"; says Head of Asset Management in Storebrand, Jan Erik Saugestad.

Storebrand Asset Management is the largest private asset manager in Norway with NOK 620 bn under management, and a pioneer within sustainable investments.

While companies have made progress at integrating sustainability into their operations, not enough has been done to ensure that their financial investments are aligned with their own sustainability values and strategies.

- In recent years, companies have been increasingly committed to the sustainable agenda and consider sustainability as the driving force for profitability, but there is still great potential to change the management of financial reserves and pensions toward the same goals. Investments have, for many companies been somewhat of a blind spot, yet so crucial for change and returns, Saugestad argues.

 -Unleashing the trillions of dollars in corporate pension funds is key to achieve the global goals and to secure long-term profitability. Integrating sustainability well in the investment processes will in our mind improve the return potential and help investors avoid inherent sustainability risks, he concludes.

The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals – Taking the next steps




Rickard Ydrenäs

Rickard Ydrenäs

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