Storebrand/ SPP Funds - Best Asset Manager
In the second unveiling of the IRRI survey 2019‘s “Nordic Cut”, highlighting Nordic firms and individuals, Storebrand/ SPP Funds made it to the top.
In the second unveiling of the IRRI survey 2019‘s “Nordic Cut”, highlighting Nordic firms and individuals, Storebrand/ SPP Funds made it to the top.
23 - 26 April 2018 the Financing for Development Forum will take place in New York. The forum brings together international leaders from around the world with the ambition to take the Addis Agenda and the Global Sustainability Goals to concrete action.
Today, SPP Green Bond Fund was awarded five stars by Morningstar.
After reading the title above you have most likely come to one of two conclusions. Either, that the SPP Sustainability team has been overrun by climate sceptics, or that SPP has suddenly changed tack and decided that business as usual is OK after all. Fortunately, I can re-assure you that both conclusions are wrong.
With over 3.7 SEK billions ($462m) in assets under management, Storebrand's green bond fund, SPP Green Bond Fund is the world's largest dedicated green UCITS bond fund in the world. The fund has outperformed its competition since its' launch in 2015 making it the best and the largest green bond fund in the world.
The past 12 months asset owners have been voting for peers they thought should be recognized for their innovative thinking and sound investment approaches. The award for Best fund Selection team 2017 goes to Storebrand/SPP.
The Global Opportunity Explorer is a platform offering direct access to the most innovative solutions and market opportunities. The Explorer is a guide to hundreds of sustainable solutions and market opportunities addressing the SDGs. "It´s all about turning SDGs into business solutions and contributing to a sustainable agenda." says Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO Storebrand Asset Management.
Idag den 2 augusti är det Overshoot Day, eller Den ekologiska skuldens dag som den kallas översatt till svenska. I år infaller dagen tidigare än någonsin vilket innebär att vi redan nu har vi gjort av med hela årets ekologiska budget. Gapet mellan vad vi konsumerar och vad naturen kan förnya fortsätter alltså att öka för varje år. En oroväckande utveckling om du frågar mig.
"Unleashing corporate pension fund trillions is key to achieving the global goals and to secure long-term profitability"; says Head of Asset Management in Storebrand, Jan Erik Saugestad.
It has been a year and a half since the United Nations launched the 2030 Agenda, giving world leaders 17 sustainable development goals to work towards. The goals are universal in so far as they are becoming a reality for all the United Nations member countries.
Idag presentarades listan över världens mest hållbara bolag på World Economic Forum i Davos och SPP/Storebrand tar ett rejält kliv framåt och placerar sig på en sjätteplats. - Detta är en bekräftelse på att vår övertygelse driver vårt strategiska arbete framåt och att vi är redo för att möta framtidens utmaningar, säger Stina Billinger hållbarhetschef, SPP/ Storebrand.