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Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO Storebrand /SPP Asset Management will be representing the Storebrand Group at the ONE PLANET SUMMIT.
Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO Storebrand /SPP Asset Management will be representing the Storebrand Group at the ONE PLANET SUMMIT.

Pressmeddelande -

​"It's time to take leadership on the most urgent issues of our time"

ONE PLANET SUMMIT, also referred to as the Macron summit, will take place on December 12 2017 in Paris. The summit is hosted by the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, the President of the World Bank Group, Jim Yong Kim, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres.

Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO Storebrand /SPP Asset Management will be representing the Storebrand Group at the summit.

- It's time to take leadership on the most urgent issues of our time. In recent years, companies have been increasingly committed to the sustainable agenda and consider sustainability as the driving force for profitability, but there is still greater potential and we need to do more. It is time to really, start walking the talk, Saugestad says.

The aim of the meeting is to address the ecological emergency of the planet by calling together international leaders and committed citizens from around the world and take the Paris Agreement, to concrete action.

- For us as investors it is important to do our part. According to The World Bank we are talking trillions of dollars of investment needed to reach the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the objectives of the Paris Agreement. We do see a greater interest in sustainable investments but, sustainable investments need significant scaling up to support the transition to a sustainable agenda. The products exist, now we need to see a real movement towards sustainable investments.

Storebrand is a pioneer within sustainable investments with NOK 620 billion AUM, making Storebrand Norway's largest asset manager.

Jan Erik Saugestad will be attending a press conference that Minister McKenna is hosting on the Powering Past Coal Alliance. The event will be held on December 12 from 19h00 to 19h30 in the Press Room at la Seine Musicale. 

The three aims of the One Planet Summit
1. Take tangible and collective action: There are solutions, let’s roll them out globally and locally as swiftly as possible.

2. Innovate: Let’s be creative and resourceful in adapting our systems to the inevitable changes and step up our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Support one another: We are all affected by climate change, but some of us are more vulnerable than others. Let’s work together for the good of all and increase our support even more to the countries and peoples who need it most. How can we do this? By putting forward new and tangible actions and ideas (ClimActs) that involve all public and private stakeholders. We are ONE planet



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Rickard Ydrenäs

Rickard Ydrenäs

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